After disaster strikes, it is in your best interest to seek the maximum amount of coverage possible. You may already be hemorrhaging money by having to close down your damaged business and need as much help as you can get. The truth is, insurance companies have an incentive to minimize payouts. Don’t get slammed twice — get what you deserve.
The December 2015 tornadoes in North Texas caused severe damage in a matter of hours. Damage to property can be caused by the funnel cloud itself or many other things, like the accompanying windstorm, flying debris, flooding/water and hail. Insurance companies may deny coverage based on many variables. An attorney can help negotiate and fight for maximum coverage.
Insurance companies provide coverage based on strict policy guidelines. Clauses, contingencies and variables exist to keep you within the policy, minimizing payout. An attorney can negotiate maximum coverage and compensation.
Don’t get slammed twice
Always an attorney before agreeing to the terms offered by your provider. Before accepting a payout, consult with a lawyer to ensure you are not missing out on any money that you’re owed.
*If your business or commercial property was damaged by the recent tornadoes in North Texas, you need to act quickly to ensure you receive full and fair compensation from your insurance company. Click here for assistance.